Thursday, May 26, 2016

Brand split redux

Big news hit yesterday for the land of WWE.  The brand split will be returning in July.  To read the official announcement from click here.

Here's what we know: 

- The split will start on July 19th. 
- Smackdown will move from Thursday to Tuesday and be live.  That's right no more pre-tapped Smackdown's.  This means that there will be 5 hours of live TV each week.  Of course this will be on the USA network. 
- Stephanie will likely be in charge of one, while Shane gets the other. 
- Lastly each show will have it's own roster.  I assume there will be a draft a week or two before the split officially begins.

Here's what we don't know yet:

- How will this affect the title pictures?  My guess is that one show will get the Intercontinental title (likely Raw) while the other gets the US title (likely Smackdown).  But what about the world, tag and women's championships?  Will each show get their own?  Or will these titles appear on both shows?

Personally I think that these titles should be divided between the two shows.  I don't think the tag or women's divisions are large enough at this point to host two separate titles.  The world title is supposed to be the big one, so naturally there should be only one.  Not to mention potential logistic problems with separating the WWE and World Heavyweight belts again.  Because when you do that one title inevitably gets devalued.  Which was one of the problems with the original brand split in my opinion.  This can also be used to elevate the IC and US titles.  But that is a topic for another day.

- What does this mean for PPV's?  Will the PPV's be split up between Raw and Smackdown with the rosters coming together for the big 4(Survivor Series, Summer Slam, Royal Rumble and WrestleMania)?  Will there be two PPV's a month (on for each show) plus the occasional NXT takeover?  Or will all the PPV's host matches from each show?

Please don't add more PPV's.  There are already too many.  It hurts the story telling element of the product, giving less time to build stories, and let's face it they are already hurting in this department.  I think the best bet would be to split up the existing PPV's between the two shows, bringing the brands together for the big 4.  This would mean that the world, tag and women's champs would work most if not all the PPV's.  Maybe have a triple threat match as a special attraction on one shows PPV or the other.

How exclusive will the rosters be?  One of the problems with the original brand split was that towards the end the rosters merged back together making the split mean nothing.  So please keep the rosters exclusive.  If you want to have a big name like Lesnar, or the Rock when does a return to push a movie be a wild card that could show up on either fine.  But there can't be more then one or two of them for this to work.

Final thoughts:

I think the split has potential.  Last time around I don't think they really had enough big names to make it work.  But there are lots of quality wrestlers on the roster today who are getting lost in the shuffle.  This could be a chance for guys like Ziggler, Ryder, Breeze and Neville to shine somewhere if handled right.  But it could just as easily be a disaster.  For now I'm going to choose to be optimistic and hope that they'll do right by the fans and right by the talent.

So what are your thoughts, hopes and concerns about the brand split?  Is there anything I missed?  I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

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